Alison Blay-Palmer (Wilfrid Laurier University) is the Nourishing Communities Principal Investigator, co-lead of the Southwestern Ontario team, an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, and the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at Wilfrid Laurier University. She can be reached at alison.blaypalmer at
Peter Andrée (Carleton University) is the co-lead of the Eastern Ontario team and an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. You can reach him at peter.andree at
Patricia Ballamingie (Carleton University) is the co-lead of the Eastern Ontario team and an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. She can be reached at Patricia.Ballamingie at
Irena Knezevic (Wilfrid Laurier University) is a postdoctoral Research Associate and the Coordinator of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at Wilfrid Laurier University. She can be reached at iknezevic at
Karen Landman (Unversity of Guelph) is the co-lead of the Southwestern Ontario team and an Associate Professor in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development. You can reach her at klandman at
Phil Mount (Wilfrid Laurier University) is the Nourishing Communities webmaster, and a postdoctoral researcher. You can reach him at phil.mount.foodsystemsresearch at
Erin Nelson (Centre for Sustainable Food Systems) is a postdoctoral researcher with Nourishing Communities, and coordinates several ongoing research projects.
Connie Nelson (Lakehead University) is the co-lead of the Northern Ontario team and a Professor in the School of Social Work. You can reach her at nelson at
Mirella Stroink (Lakehead University) is the co-lead of the Northern Ontario team and an Associate Professor of Social Psychology. You can reach her at mstroink at
Kelly Skinner (Lakehead University) is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health) postdoctoral researcher.
She can be reached at kskinner at
Lori Stahlbrand (Wilfrid Laurier University) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography, and can be reached at lori.stahlbrand at
The Nourishing Communities research partnership includes more than one hundred community partners, private sector representatives, scholars (including undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers), and government representatives.