Conference Papers and Panels

Economic and Social Research Council Workshop 
Cardiff, Wales, November 2014
Alison Blay-Palmer (Keynote Speaker)

Collaboration and Innovation Across the Food System

Joint 2014 Annual Meetings and Conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society
Burlington, Vermont, June 18-22, 2014

1. Regional Perspectives of Social Justice: Community Based Research and Health in the Food System
Format: Workshop
Lead Organizer: Irena Knezevic, Wilfrid Laurier University
Presenters: Peter Andree, Patricia Ballamingie, Carleton University, Alison Blay-Palmer, Charles Levkoe, Irena Knezevic, Lori Stahlbrand, Wilfrid Laurier University, Rita Hansen-Sterne, Karen Landman, University of Guelph
2. Dinnertime Conversation: Practicing Food Systems
Format: Roundtable
Lead Organizer: Phil Mount, Wilfrid Laurier University
Presenters: Valentine Cadieux, University of Minnesota, Phil Mount, Wilfrid Laurier University, Matthew Potteiger, SUNY, Syracuse, Brian Lonsway and Kathleen Brandt, Syracuse University, Katerie Gladdys, University of Florida
3. Possible Career Paths for Graduate Students in Food and Agriculture Studies
Format: Roundtable
Lead Organizer: Shawn Trivette, Louisiana Tech University
Presenters: Shawn Trivette, Louisiana Tech University, Farryl Bertman, Gretchen Swanson, Center for Nutrition, Phil Mount, Wilfrid Laurier University, Chelsea Lewis, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Florence Becot, University of Vermont
4. Title: Scaling up and down the food system
Format: Roundtable
Lead Organizer: Hugh Joseph, Tufts University
Presenters: Kate Clancy, Hugh Joseph, Phil Mount

Borders without Boundaries: Exploring Collaboration in Food Studies

2014 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Food Studies
St. Catharines, ON,  May 24–27, 2014
1. New Perspectives on Nourishing Communities
Chairs: Alison BlayPalmer & Irena Knezevic
Presenters: Phil Mount; Mirella Stroink, Kelly Skinner & Connie Nelson; Lori Stalbrand; Erin Nelson, Karen Landman & Liz Nowatschin; Trish Ballamingie, Peter Andrée & Julie Pilson
2. “Managing supply and regulating regional markets”
Phil Mount, Wilfrid Laurier University

Association of European Society of Planners (AESOP)
Annual Food Thematic conference, Montpellier, France, October 28-29, 2013
Alison Blay-Palmer (Conference Scientific Advisory Committee)
Phil Mount and Alison Blay-Palmer
“More Than Physical Infrastructure: The Struggle over the Nature and Governance of Regional Food Hubs”. Innovations in Urban Food Systems, AESOP 5th Conference on Sustainable Food Planning, Montpellier, France, October 28-29, 2013

FLEdGE – Transformative Communities of Food, panel session organized by Irena Knezevic, Alison Blay-Palmer, Patricia Ballamingie, Connie Nelson, Karen Landman
Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged (FLEdGE Partnership) addresses challenges in sustainable, regional food systems, enhancing opportunities to develop community prosperity, deepen our understanding of food systems governance and improve community and ecological well-being through improved land tenure. Towards Sustainable Foodscapes and Landscapes, The 2013 Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), East Lansing MI, June 19-22, 2013.

Phil Mount
“Governance of Transitional Regions”
and “The Complex Cartography of Sustainable Systems”. Towards Sustainable Foodscapes and Landscapes, The 2013 Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), East Lansing MI, June 19-22, 2013.

Testing the Boundaries of Food Localization: paper session, organized by Phil Mount (Chair). At the Edge: Canadian Association for Food Studies Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC. June 2013.

  • Manon Boulianne
    Local Food Provisioning in the Quebec City Metropolitan area: a socio-spatial perspective
  • Jay Stapleton, Connie Nelson, Mirella Stroink
    Community-based solutions to repair the local food disconnect
  • Lori Stahlbrand
    Markham’s local sustainable food procurement experiment
  • Julie Pilson, Patricia Ballamingie, Peter Andrée
    Best Practices in tackling housing insecurity and food access

Phil Mount
“Reality Programming: Mapping Community Food Systems with Purpose”. At the Edge: Canadian Association for Food Studies Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC. June 2013.


Tackling Sustainability during the environmental, food and fiscal crisis: challenges and opportunities? Panel organized by Alison Blay-Palmer (Chair). Panelists: Julian Agyeman, Alison Hope Alkon, Terry Marsden, Robert Krueger. American Association of Geographers annual conference, Los Angeles, CA. Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Towards Sustainable Resource Governance: paper session,  organized by Alison Blay-Palmer (Chair), Terry Marsden and Phil Mount. American Association of Geographers annual conference, Los Angeles, CA. April 2013.

  • Karen Landman, Alison Blay-Palmer
    Nourishing Ontario: A study in local, sustainable food systems
  • Phil Mount
    Neoliberalism and the Localization of Governance
  • Lori Stahlbrand
    Municipal Food Procurement for Sustainability: A Case Study of Markham, Ontario
  • Christine Slade, Angela Wardell-Johnson
    Towards Sustainability in Challenging Times: The Nexus of Governance, Food Systems and Resilience
  • Terry Marsden, Alison Blay-Palmer
    Food systems: Transitioning to sustainability? An EU – Canada comparison

Peter Andrée, Patricia Ballamingie, Phil Mount
“Eastern Ontario Food Initiatives: Lessons Learned and Policy Challenges”. At Collaborating For Success, the Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference, Thursday, November 22, 2012. University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus.

Anthony Winson, Evan Fraser, Phil Mount, Shawna Holmes, Shelley Hazen
“The New Central Canadian Frontier of the Alternative Agriculture and Food Movement: Organizational Forms, Orientations, and Early Issues”. Alternative Agrifood Movements: Shaping The Movement of Our Time? Miniconference on Convergence, XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology. Lisbon, Portugal. August 2, 2012.

Phil Mount and Ryan Hayhurst
“Where are we going with this? Conceptual Frameworks and Unresolved Tensions in Local Food Hubs”. Global Gateways & Local Connections: Cities, Agriculture and the Future of Food Systems. The Joint 2012 Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), and the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). New York University and The New School, NYC , June 20 – 24, 2012

Food Hubs in Ontario: paper session,  organized by Alison Blay-Palmer (Chair). Conference of the Canadian Association for Food Studies. Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Waterloo, May 2012.

  • Phil Mount and Peter Andrée
    “Visualizing Community-based Food Projects in Ontario”
  • Peter Andrée, Patricia Ballamingie, Brynne Sinclair-Waters
    “Does the lens of neo-liberalism clarify the possibilities and limits of community food initiatives? The case of Eastern Ontario”
  • Connie Nelson, Mirella Stroink, Lee-Ann Chevrette, Raili Roy
    “Place-based emergence of local food systems in Northern Ontario: A perspective from Complex Adaptive Systems Theory”
  • Karen Landman, Ryan Hayhurst
    “Participatory planning: Opportunities for municipal food systems policy development”
  • Joel Fridman, Lauren Baker
    “Municipality as facilitator of food hubs: Community kitchens in Toronto”
  • Erin Nelson, Irena Knezevic, Karen Landman
    “The uneven geography of local food projects in SW Ontario”
  • Phil Mount, Shawna Holmes, Shelley Hazen, Evan Fraser, Tony Winson
    “Growing Pains: Assessing the relationship between the nature, motivations and barriers to growth in Ontario’s local food networks and hubs”

Phil Mount and Peter Andrée
“Visualising the Structures and Governance of Alternative Food Networks”. Towards Integration, The annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Waterloo, May 28 – June 1, 2012

Karen Landman
“Developing regional food hubs in Ontario, Canada”. Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society. Wageningen, Netherlands. 2012

Sustainable Communities: paper session,  organized by Alison Blay-Palmer (Chair). American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, New York, February 2012.

Sustainable communities through food systems: Considering urban/rural intersections, challenges and opportunities.  Panel  Co-organized by Alison Blay-Palmer (Chair) and Debbie Field. Panelists: Janet Poppendieck – Hunter College; Jill Clark – The Ohio State University; Terry Marsden – Cardiff University; and Debbie Field – FoodShare Toronto. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, New York, February 24-28 2012

Alison Blay-Palmer
“Fostering regenerative food systems: Exploring a bioregional focus”. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, New York, February 24-28 2012

1 thought on “Conference Papers and Panels

  1. Harry Donkers

    Herewith I inform you about an article on ‘Governance of local and regional food systems’.

    The article is published in the Journal of Rural and Community Development, Vol. 8 No.1.

    Governance for Local and Regional Food Systems
    Author: Harry Donkers
    Donkers, H. (2013). Governance for local and regional food systems. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 8(1), 178-208.
    Rural Development Institute, Brandon University.
    Dr. Doug Ramsey

    To be found at

    Sincerely yours,

    Harry Donkers
    tel. + 31 6 28638919

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