Transformative Food Politics and Regional Networks research project

The Transformative Food Politics and Regional Networks research project explores the structure and constitution of networks of food initiatives in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia, working in partnership with four provincial network organizations. The main purpose of this study has been to enhance our understanding of how organizations in Canada are mobilizing around food-related issues. In particular, the research explores the role that food networks, rather than individual initiatives, play in developing resistance to the corporate led industrial food system. This research also seeks to support and strengthen the activities of each provincial network by providing useful information about how they work.


Issue 1 (pdf 500 kb)     |     Issue 2 BC (pdf 520 kb)     |     Issue 3 ON (pdf 569 kb)     |     Issue 4 (pdf 897 kb)     |     Canadian Food Networks Map

Propagating the Food Movement:
Provincial Networks and Social Mobilization in Canada

Research Report November 2012 (pdf 1 MB)

The four newsletters and the report summarize the findings from a network survey, semi-structured, in-depth interviews, popular education workshops, and highlights from a roundtable discussion with provincial network representatives reflecting on the research findings.

Canadian Food Networks Map (pdf 1MB)

If you have any questions or comments about the newsletter or the broader research, or would like a copy of the report, please contact Charles Z Levkoe (