Tag Archives: participatory action research

Workshop on Participatory Action Research, Planning and Evaluation

[…notice from Daniel Buckles of SAS2 Dialogue]

October 18-20 (Thursday-Saturday), 2018

Centre des practique creatives / Creative Practices Centre

Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa

451 Smyth Rd, Ottawa

The creation of knowledge “with” people and not “on” or “for” people is a critical challenge in today’s democracies. This applies to settings involving vulnerable or marginalized communities, the general public and the workplace where meaningful engagement is needed to identify priorities and develop policies, services, programmes and projects.

The three-day workshop is organized into modules that help you learn practical tools that can be adapted to design research projects that are action-oriented. We will also explore tools for participatory assessment of project impacts, and the use of digital tools. Learning is practiced in the context of participant projects and knowledge, making it possible to do real work while learning new skills.


The workshop is open to students enrolled in university or college (full and part-time), and to university and college faculty.


Students: $350.00 plus HST

Faculty: $420 plus HST

Provides a total of 21 hours of instruction towards the SAS2 Dialogue certification program.


Dr. Daniel Buckles is an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, and co-author with Jacques Chevalier of Participatory Action Research: Theory and Methods for Engaged Inquiry, published by Routledge (second edition in progress).

For more information and to register see: Workshop Description

Nourishing Communities: The Book!

We are excited to announce the release of our edited collection that reflects on nearly a decade of Nourishing Communities research network’s collaborations.

Nourishing Communities: From Fractured Food Systems to Transformative Pathways 
Edited by: Knezevic, I., Blay-Palmer, A., Levkoe, C.Z., Nelson, E., Mount, P. (Springer)

From the publisher:

This edited volume builds on existing alternative food initiatives and food movements research to explore how a systems approach can bring about health and well-being through enhanced collaboration. Chapters describe the myriad ways community-driven actors work to foster food systems that are socially just, embed food in local economies, regenerate the environment and actively engage citizens. Drawing on case studies, interviews and Participatory Action Research projects, the editors share the stories behind community-driven efforts to develop sustainable food systems, and present a critical assessment of both the tensions and the achievements of these initiatives.

The volume is unique in its focus on approaches and methodologies that both support and recognize the value of community-based practices. Throughout the book the editors identify success stories, challenges and opportunities that link practitioner experience to critical debates in food studies, practice and policy. By making current practices visible to scholars, the volume speaks to people engaged in the co-creation of knowledge, and documents a crucial point in the evolution of a rapidly expanding and dynamic sustainable food systems movement.

Entrenched food insecurity, climate change induced crop failures, rural-urban migration, escalating rates of malnutrition related diseases, and aging farm populations are increasingly common obstacles for communities around the world. Merging private, public and civil society spheres, the book gives voice to actors from across the sustainable food system movement including small businesses, not-for-profits, eaters, farmers and government. Insights into the potential for market restructuring, knowledge sharing, planning and bridging civic-political divides come from across Canada, the United States and Mexico, making this a key resource for policy-makers, students, citizens, and practitioners.

For more information, please contact irena.knezevic@carleton.ca

Master’s Position in Sustainable Food Systems

MA Student Research Opportunity in Sustainable Food Systems in Northwest Territories starting May 2016 (new student opportunity)

The Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, in partnership with Carleton University, are looking for an exceptional candidate to continue to develop their food systems research in the Northwest Territories as part of their Masters program. The student will support on-going community-based research from May-September 2016, when they will then take up their Masters program at either Wilfrid Laurier or Carleton University under the supervision of Drs. Alison Blay-Palmer (Laurier) and Peter Andrée (Carleton).

Required Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in a related arts discipline is needed.  Strong interest in sustainability, community development and food systems is required. Knowledge of Participatory Action Research and experience in Canada’s North will be an asset. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are also desired.

To apply for this position, please send a letter of interest, a full CV, unofficial transcript(s), and the names of two references via email to Andrew Spring (aspring@wlu.ca). Informal inquiries are welcome. The candidates will also be required to officially apply for graduate studies at Laurier or Carleton and meet the requirements. The preferred start date for this position is May 2016 and applications will be considered as they are submitted. This project is funded through the FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded Globally Engaged) SSHRC Partnership Grant.

*NEW* Project SOIL Pilot and Participatory Action Research (PAR) Case Studies

August 18, 2015, from ProjectSOIL.ca

We’re happy to share brand new pilot project case studies from four graduate student PAR on-site food growing projects! Each is available in html and print [pdf] form.



Students were enriched and tested by their experiences—and each was instrumental in advancing a pilot project with one of our institutional partners: the GreenWerks Garden at Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital (Lauren Turner); the Food School Farm at Centre Wellington District High School (Tim O’Brien); the Victorian Kitchen Gardens at Homewood Health Centre (Emily French); and the Our Farm Project at KW Habilitation (Elena Christy).

This year’s pilot at Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital’s Therapeutic Garden is in full swing, with a weekly market and an Open House held August 7. Further news to come!


Building Community – University Links

Building links between community and university researchers in Participatory Action Research: Lessons for addressing ethical issues in research

Join academics and community members from across Canada on Dec 9th, from 2:00-3:30 pm EST

Activating Change Together for Community Food Security (ACT for CFS) project is a 5 year Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) based out of Food Action Research Centre (FoodARC) at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The project utilizes participatory approaches in all aspects of research, including the development of ethics applications. … This has proven to be a messy and long process, but also one that has made ethics more meaningful to team members in community and academic settings alike. Read more