Workshops and Webinars

Subversions from the Informal and Social Economy: Relocating social and ecological values in food systems

Webinars March 1, 14 and 15, 2017

The Nourishing Communities research group is conducting community-based research investigating food initiatives that operate within the social or informal economy, intended to address food security and community development; benefit marginalized communities, including low-income groups, Aboriginal people, youth and women; and provide important environmental stewardship services.

We are presenting initial reflections and case studies from regions across Canada in three upcoming webinars [click for details]:

  • Eastern Ontario – Wed March 1 at 10:00 a.m. EST
  • Northwestern Ontario – Tuesday, March 14 at 11:00 a.m. EST
  • Atlantic Canada and Northwest Territories – Wed March 15 at 12:00 EST


Sustainable Regional Food Systems Workshop: Theory, Practice and Policy

From June 25-27, 2014, the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems hosted an international workshop of researchers from the UK, Germany, South Africa, the US and Canada, all associated with the Centre.

On June 26, many of these researchers presented their work at a ‘sold out’ public forum entitled “Sustainable Regional Food Systems”. The full schedule, including the list of speakers, can be found here. The videos are available at the links below.

SRFS Workshop Panel 1: Flows of people, knowledge and resources

SRFS Workshop Panel 2: Social Dimensions of Regional Food Systems

SRFS Workshop Panel 3: Activating for change

SRFS Workshop Panel 4: Sustainable Regional Food Systems: Policy and Planning


Food Diversity and Inclusion

Workshop and webinar, March 20, 2014. Schedule and participants can be found here, and the video of the event here.


Community-University engagement in building a resilient regional local food system

Webinar. Thursday February 28th, 2013


Strengthening Local Food Hubs: A Community Food Toolkit Workshop. November 28, 2012. Patricia White Otter Room, Best Western, Dryden, Ontario.


A conversation linking farmers to local buyers: Opportunities, challenges and successes Alison Blay-Palmer, Organizer and Chair. September 4, 2012. UN-Habitat World Urban Forum, Side Event, Naples, Italy.


Local Food Initiatives: Work in Progress

A Community-University Research Partnership Workshop Event.  Waterloo, May 24, 2012.  Included over 80 participants at this full day event to introduce the Community Food Toolkit and get feedback from Ontario experts.
CIGI Webcast

3’30″ – 16’00”  (Alison Blay-Palmer and Karen Landman) – Intro to the project
Participatory Action Research Projects
16’55″ – 31’20”  (Debbie Field and Fiona Yeudall) – “Foodshare”
32’00” – 45’30”  (Lori Stahlbrand) – “Local Food Plus”
45’45″ – 1h 04′ 30″  (Patricia Ballamingie) – “Eastern Ontario”
1h 5’00” – 1h 14’00”  (Shawna Holmes) – “Meal Exchange / National BBQ Day”
1h 32’55” – 1h 49’00” (Connie Nelson) – “Food Security Research Network”
OMAFRA Ontario Case study Research
1h 49’00” – 2h 03’40”  (Irena Knezevic and Alison Blay-Palmer) Province-wide Highlights
2h 04’00” – 2h 16’00”  (Erin Nelson) Southwestern Ontario
2h 16’00” – 2h 29’20”  (Sarah Wakefield) Golden Horseshoe
2h 29’30” – 2h 44’30”  (Brynne Sinclair-Waters and Peter Andrée) Eastern Ontario
2h 45’00” – 2h 54’00”  (Connie Nelson) Northern Ontario
2h 54’00” – 3h 04’30”  (Questions / Answers)


Sustainable Local Food Systems in Europe and the Americas: Lessons for Policy and Practice

Part of the Canada-Europe TransAtlantic Dialogue. Ottawa, March 3-5, 2011.