Discussions with Geoff Tansey

Geoff Tansey, visiting UK scholar, will be available for private meetings on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 in the Guelph region. For more information, please contact Alison Blay-Palmer (alison.blaypalmer at gmail.com).

Or, you can catch Geoff at one of two upcoming public lectures in Ontario:

“Tinkering or Transformation: going beyond food and energy security for a well-fed world at peace”

Tuesday, April 16th
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Anthropology Building, 19 Russell Street, AP246
University of Toronto

Geoff Tansey will discuss the range of innovations needed if we are to avoid food and farming becoming a source of conflict in the 21st century. He will outline a new project with the working title ‘Food is a key to avoiding World War Three.’

For further info: http://www.devsem.utoronto.ca/.
The seminar is sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and Science. It is co-sponsored by Anthropology, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, and the Comparative and International Development Education Centre at OISE.


“Hungry for what? Reflections on food, hunger and justice”

Thursday, April 18th, 2013, 7:00-8:30 pm
University of Waterloo
Environment Building 3, room 3412

Geoff Tansey will discuss the differing narratives – notably the `productivity ́ vs. `sufficiency ́ narratives – which underlie differing approaches to creating a well-fed world. Solutions must look far beyond a focus in technology and production to achieve that goal. Key questions revolve around which of the various actors in the current dysfunctional food system is hungry for what – and how systemic change is needed to create just food systems that enable everyone to be well-fed.

A public lecture supported by the Wilfred Laurier University, Nourishing Ontario Research Group (SSHRC/OMAF sponsored) and the University of Waterloo Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and Sustainability.


Geoff Tansey works for fair, healthy and sustainable food systems as an independent writer and consultant. (See his website). His books include The Food System: a guide (with Tony Worsley) and co-editorship of The future control of food – A guide to international negotiations and rules on intellectual property, biodiversity and food security. He was honorary visiting professor of food policy at Leeds Metropolitan University from 1996-99 and is an honorary research fellow in the Department of Peace Studies at Bradford University and honorary visiting fellow at the Centre for Rural Economy at the Newcastle University.

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