Category Archives: Notices from Community Partners

Beyond Emergency Food

Thoughts from both sides of the border

Upcoming webinar Pod-Cast:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12-1 p.m. EST

Join Community Food Centres Canada for a webinar Pod-cast with Jessica Powers from the U.S. organization WhyHunger on the work they do to support emergency food providers to go beyond charitable food access programs and create initiatives that foster a more inclusive and sustainable food system. The webinar will cover key principles underlying this work, drivers for transforming organizations, redefining relationships with funders, inspiring examples of change, useful resources and more.

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When: Wednesday December 11, 2013 from 12 to 1 p.m. EST
Where: Your Computer – Register Here! –
How Much: Free!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ross Curtner at

Festival of Good Food Ideas

A Festival of Food Ideas Welcomes Food Leaders From Across Canada in Montreal

MONTREAL, November 20, 2013 – Food organizations from across Canada will be joining Montreal-based food groups for a feast of good food ideas on Tuesday November 26th. Over 200 individuals and organizations are expected to take part in the event, which is catered by Montreal’s food movement including restaurants and food banks, much of it with local and sustainably sourced ingredients, as well as guest speakers and live musical entertainment.

The Festival of Food Ideas is being hosted by Food Secure Canada as part of activities surrounding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held in Montreal the next day. Over the course of the evening, participants will share food and stories about food, as well as discuss their challenges, successes and hopes for an equitable, healthy and more local food system.

Award-winning Abenaki film-maker Alanis Obomsawin will open the evening with a song and acclaimed Quebec writer and social activist Laure Waridel will deliver a keynote address. Featured speakers will talk about the on the ground solutions to our broken food system. They include Nick Saul (co-author of The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement) and Debbie Field (Executive Director of Toronto’s FoodShare which delivers healthy, locally sourced meals daily for over 150,000 kids) and Isabelle St-Germain (who will speak of Equiterre’s groundbreaking work on food from the farm to the court room).  Musical entertainment is being provided by jazz pianist and singer Jessica Vigneault (daughter of Gilles Vigneault), Juno award-winner Paulo Ramos, and percussionist Daniel Bellagarde (draft program).

The event is the Montreal launch of Food Secure Canada, whose bustling head office was opened in Montreal just over a year ago. Major partners for the event include Espace La Fontaine, a beautiful bistro in the heart of the park, as well as USC Canada, a leading development organization that has just launched a global seed map and the J. W. McConnell Foundation, and UNIFOR. Several community organizations – Santropol roulant, Regroupement des Cuisines Collectives, Moisson Montréal and local businesses are also supporting the event.  See the complete list of sponsors.

The event is free and open to the public. A donation in the amount of your last restaurant meal is suggested for those who would like to contribute towards the cost of the event.

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Local Food and Northern Ontario

Ontario Nature understands that forest foods provide a wealth of benefits to many northern communities: Local food sources underpin traditional economies that permit economic self-reliance; they provide health benefits through improved nutrition and promotion of active lifestyles; and they reduce the environmental costs of food grown with intensive inputs elsewhere and transported large distances to reach northern communities. Read more

Upcoming Webinars

Changing How Campuses Learn and Eat through Coursework

Interested in learning how applied student research can facilitate food system change?

Tune in on October 8th at 12:30pm EDT! Click here to register.

Hosted by the Campus Food Systems Project in collaboration with Food Secure Canada, this webinar will explore how to create, support and integrate student learning into food systems change on campus and in communities. Presenters Lilith Wyatt – Sustainability Officer at McGill and Brent Mansfield – Coordinator with UBC’s Food System Project will discuss the opportunities, benefits and challenges of Applied Student Research.


Bridging the Gap

Helping to connect good food with low-income communities
Join Community Food Centres Canada on October 9 from 12-1pm EDT for a webinar featuring Gillian Flies of The New Farm and Ayal Dinner from the West End Food Coop.

When: Wednesday October 9, 2013 12-1pm EDT
Where: Your Computer – Register Here! –
How Much: Free!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact


Resilient Cities 2014

Building on the ideas shared at the 4th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation, ICLEI presents the 1st webinar in the 2013 series:

Resilient city-region food systems policies

Wednesday 16 October 16:00-17:00 CET (11:00 – 12:00 EDT)

This webinar will discuss the development and implementation of policies that support a resilient city region food system.

Speakers are Lauren Baker, Toronto Food Policy Council; Stanley Visser, City of Cape Town; and Marielle Dubbeling, RUAF Foundation.

The Farm To Fork Launch

Guest blog:

It’s finally happening. On October 3rd, after months of brainstorming and The Farm To Fork logolearning; development and design; and community engagement and outreach, Farm To Fork is ready to launch. It’s ready to help make a difference in our community by bringing all of us together to eliminate food insecurity.We’re very proud of what the Farm To Fork team has accomplished. It’s been a labour of love shared by the co-founders, students and staff from the University of Guelph, community partners, and concerned citizens of Guelph. We hope that you’ll join us this Thursday (October 3rd) from 7-10 p.m. at Innovation Guelph and be part of a community effort to support the most vulnerable among us.Farm To Fork is about conversations. It’s about connecting people in our caring community to Emergency Food Providers (EFPs). These connections, we believe, will help change the way we talk about food security by allowing EFPs to directly communicate their needs to donors on a weekly basis. In response, it will allow donors to commit to specific contributions and then update the system in real time.

This launch isn’t the end of our journey. It’s just another milestone in our community’s effort to make life better for all of its citizens. We hope you’ll join us, share some food and drink, hear the Farm To Fork story, and do your part to help.

Thank you.

Danny Williamson & Dan Gillis

Bridging the gap

Helping to connect good food with low-income communities
Upcoming Webinar: Wednesday October 9, 2013 12-1pm EDT

Join Community Food Centres Canada on October 9 from 12-1pm EDT for a webinar featuring Gillian Flies of The New Farm and Ayal Dinner from the West End Food Coop.

When: Wednesday October 9, 2013 12-1pm EDT
Where: Your Computer – Register Here! –
How Much: Free!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Sustain Ontario Upcoming Flocking Options Webinar: Supply Management 101

On Thursday, August 1st at 12 Noon (EDT) Sustain Ontario will be hosting an exciting new webinar in support of their ongoing Flocking Options campaign. Leading this thought-provoking presentation will be Christie Young, the Executive Director of FarmStart and Anne Freeman of the Greenbelt Farmers’ Market Network. Read more

Study looking at sustainable food system for Huron

The first in a series of meetings to discuss the concept of a local sustainable food system in Huron County was held last week in Varna.

Presented by consultants Mary Ferguson and Ryan Turnbull, the goals of the meeting May 8 were to “create a unified understanding of a sustainable food system in Huron, bring learning from other rural areas engaged in sustainable food system efforts and build momentum and leadership for a sustainable food system in Huron County.”

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Community Meeting on Local Food System

Are you interested in a local food system in Huron County?
Please attend our community meeting to learn more and share your ideas!

Where – Stanley Community Centre just west of Varna
When – Wednesday May 8th from 6pm to 9pm
Refreshments available – doors open at 5:30
Please call or email to register:
Janice Dunbar 519.482.3416 ext.2255

What we hope to achieve:

  • Create unified/common understanding of a sustainable food system in Huron
  • Bring learning from other rural areas engaged in sustainable food system efforts
  • Build momentum and leadership for a sustainable food system in Huron County

Some questions we hope to answer:

  • What does the system look like?
  • What are the missing pieces?
  • Who are the key players in the system?
  • Where are you? How do you fit within the food system?