Tag Archives: Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Agreement

Water + Ice

On March 19, 2015, the governments of the Northwest Territories and Alberta signed the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Agreement. This historic agreement governs water resources, ecosystems and communities in the largest Canadian watershed and has implications for broader water and energy policy issues in Canada. Two of the leaders in the negotiations will describe the successful development of the agreement and what makes it innovative for Canada and the world.

Please join us on April 29, 2015 for a discussion with The Honourable J. Michael Miltenberger, Government of the Northwest Territories and Merrell-Ann S. Phare, Chief Negotiator.

This discussion will take place at Maureen Forrester Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University from 1:30-3:00pm, followed by a reception.

Discussion will be moderated by Dr. Max Blouw, Laurier President and Vice-Chancellor, and will include comments by Dr William Quinton, Canada Research Chair in Cold Regions Hydrology, and Dr Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change.

RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/water-ice-precious-resources-principled-neighbours-tickets-16597940888?err=29

WaterIce-Evite2015_April 21