Tag Archives: small-scale farmers

Food Safety and the Impact of Regulations on Small Food Producers and Processors

Micro and Small Business Consultation at CFIA

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking input and comments on the discussion paper: Options for Reducing Burden for Micro and Small Businesses. The paper lays out the reasoning behind the Safe Food for Canadians Act, and why they are seeking additional consultations regarding the regulations that will support the Act:

  • …The consequences to public health and the economy when food safety issues arise can be severe, regardless of the size of the company. Food safety risks depend on the type of food product, the processes and management systems in place – not size of business.
  • …The CFIA would like to hear more from companies on how it can better support micro and small businesses in their efforts to produce safe food and comply with new food regulations.
  • Further, the costs and challenges that small and micro companies would face in meeting proposed new requirements needs more study. There are options that can be considered to support micro and small businesses as new regulations are developed and implemented.

To provide comments and fill out the questionnaire


UNCTAD Trade and Environment Report 2013

Take ‘mosaic’ approach to agriculture, boost support for small farmers, UNCTAD Report urges

Geneva, Switzerland, (18 September 2013)

​Farming in rich and poor nations alike should shift from monoculture towards greater varieties of crops, reduced use of fertilizers and other inputs, greater support for small-scale farmers, and more locally focused production and consumption of food, a new UNCTAD report recommends.

The Trade and Environment Report 2013 warns that continuing rural poverty, persistent hunger around the world, growing populations, and mounting environmental concerns must be treated as a collective crisis. It says that urgent and far-reaching action is needed before climate change begins to cause major disruptions to agriculture, especially in developing countries. Read more