dbarndt at yorku.ca,
Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
Title: “Blessings on the Workers: Mexican altars catalyze dialogue between food and labour activists”
The local food movement has not always acknowledged the role of migrant labour in local food production. Mexican-style altars that honour migrant farmworkers in Ontario serve as a catalyst for dialogue among food activists and migrant worker justice groups. Drawing upon traditional religious and cultural practices of the workers, the altars invite viewers to decode images, objects, food stuff, and prayer cards that reveal the deeper history of migrant worker struggles. Stickers made of workers’ photos invite viewers to actively intervene in supermarkets questioning the origins of both produce and producers. Set within suitcases, two altars have been circulating to raise public consciousness, to memorialize migrant workers, and to stimulate dialogue that contributes to alliance-building. I will reflect on the use of the altars in a wide range of contexts, from conferences to food justice workshops, with migrant workers themselves as well as with allies in universities and communities.
PLEASE NOTE: I would also like to set up the suitcase altars in some relatively small and darkened space during the conference.
I will also be screening digital stories produced by my students in collaboration with local food groups, probably in an auditorium on Thursday at 5:15– 6:30 PM. They can be previewed at