Fortnightly Feast – vol 13

Job Post:
ALUS is hiring a Business Development & Research Coordinator to support the development of a national ALUS business model.  This position is ideal for an individual with a background in business and an interest in sustainable agriculture, ecosystem services and valuation, and the role of business in environmental sustainability. For more information, contact Lynn Bishop, Ontario ALUS – General Manager:

Food and Healthcare: Does Local Fit?
Co-hosted by the College of Management at the University of Guelph, My Sustainable Canada, and the Agri-Food and Rural Link, this symposium will be held in the OMAF Conference Centre in Guelph, Ontario on Friday, September 13th, 2013 from 9:00 am -1:00 pm.

Research Highlights:
Exploring the Feasibility and Benefits of Incorporating Local Foods into Ontario’s Health Care System
The project’s objectives were to establish the current state of food provision in Ontario’s health care system and to gain an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and constraints impacting food provision decisions in Ontario’s health care system. Read more

Organization: Community Wealth
Authors Erin Hagan and Victor Rubin argue that new grocery stores, corner stores, farmer’s markets, and other food retailers generate significant economic activity in all communities, and specifically in low-income communities. Read more

Sugar beet industry converts to 100% GMO, disallows non-GMO option
The US sugar beet industry coordinated an industry-wide conversion to genetically modified sugar beets, thus eliminating a non-GMO alternative for food manufacturers and consumers. Read more

More Releases from the Holland Marsh:

Moving Farming Forward
Bonus Video:

Adapting for the Future

Holland Marsh Soupfest

The Land Our Precious Resource


Cultivating Opportunities: Canada’s Growing Appetite for Local Food
The Conference Board of Canada offers a report that “examines the economic impact of local food systems in Canada and the challenges and opportunities local food poses for consumers, governments, and industry”. Read more

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