Tag Archives: Food Secure Canada

CFICE Community Food Security Hub Newsletter

from CFICE Connections blog:

The Community Food Security Hub created the first issue of the CFS Newsletter. This issue contains information about their research projects, and partner projects. Such projects include: the Regina Community Food Assessment,  the Edible Campus: From Showcase to Living Classroom, and the Campus Food Initiative Study.

Download the newsletter on the CFICE Connections blog.

Upcoming Food Events



Wed Oct 15, Thurs Oct 16 and Fri Oct 17

At New College, U of T, we’re celebrating World Food Day with 3 days of special events! Join us for great speakers, workshops and FOOD on the theme of “Agroecology: The Next New Thing in Food?” Everyone welcome!

Presented by the New College Initiatives Fund, the Principal’s Innovation Fund, Equity Studies, New One, Caribbean Studies, the New College Office of Residence and Student Life and the Toronto Food Policy Council.
For details, contact Lori Stahlbrand lori.stahlbrand@gmail.com


Addressing Food Insecurity in Children: Lessons from Brazil

Nutrition Resource Centre Kids in Focus Webinar Series

Tuesday October 21, 2014
10:30 am – 11:30 am EDT

Brazil has been receiving international recognition for its ground-breaking and progressive FOME ZERO (ie. Zero Hunger) strategy for food security. In this webinar, join Dr. Cecilia Rocha, Director of the School of Nutrition at Ryerson University, as she draws important insights from Brazil’s experience for improving children food security and health in Ontario. Read more


Good Food Organizations

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:00 pm EDT
The Good Food Organizations program offers a way for community-based food security organizations across Canada to work towards a healthy and fair food system through a shared set of “Good Food Principles”. Join Community Food Centres Canada for a 45-60 minute interactive orientation on our new initiative, Good Food Organizations. Register


“Who wants to be a farmer? Youth, gender and agricultural futures”

Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 7pm
Guelph Public Library, 100 Norfolk St.
Dr.Ben White
Professor Emeritus, International Institute of Social Studies,
Erasmus University, The Netherlands



Shared Opportunities on Institutional Lands: Challenges and opportunities of on-site food production

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EDT

In Ontario, several institutions are already producing food on their properties as a way to generate revenue; supply nutritious fresh food for consumption (by staff, patients, students, etc.); provide skills training and therapeutic benefits; and build social enterprises. This webinar will share how project partners at health care, social service and educational institutions went about getting gardens off the ground at their institutions, as well as some of the lessons we learned in the first year of working with pilot projects across the province. Read more



“Empathetic Innovations for Inclusive Development: Can we learn from Grassroots Innovators?”

Tuesday, Oct. 28th, from 5:30-7:00pm in RM 1800 in the Pathobiology Bldg. University of Guelph

Dr. Anil K. Gupta is professor in the Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, and coordinator of the Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions.  Open to the public. Free admission. Please direct any enquiries to Abeir el Arqusosi at a.arqusosi@exec.uoguelph.ca


Building Resilient and Innovative Food Systems

Join the Halton Food Council to hear from a panel of farmers, policymakers, community groups, and grocers as they share their stories about the opportunities and challenges to build a more resilient local food system.

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

A local breakfast and lunch will be served. For more information contact haltonfoodcouncil@gmail.com or call 647-830-0328. Space is limited.

Register at http://haltonfoodsummit.eventbrite.ca 


Seed Connections

November 7th, 8th, 9th, 2014
MacDonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec
Building on the incredible success of their 2012 conference, The Eastern Canadian Organic Seed Growers’ Network (ECOSGN) is partnering with The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security and Seeds of Diversity Canada this year to host their second major ecological seed conference for Eastern Canada.

ECOSGN’s “Seed Connections” conference is a fully bilingual event bringing together farmers, seed-savers, seed companies, community gardeners, researchers, and experts on organic seed production to share knowledge, skills, and experience over a packed, 3-day agenda! Whether you are a beginner gardener or an expert seed producer, if you are interested in ecological seed in eastern Canada – this is the conference to attend!
Read more


Food Secure Canada Assembly

Food Secure Canada has announced the full programme for its bi-annual assembly, Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All, which will take place at the Halifax Habourfront Hotel from November 13th to 16th.

With more than sixty workshops, plenaries, and working groups, these three days of action-packed learning by Canada’s food movement will provide an unique opportunity to tackle a broad range of food issues and to create effective, collective responses to current challenges of sustainability, hunger and health. Read more


Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference

November 24-25, 2014

Kingston Four Points Sheraton

The 2014 Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference is our region’s annual conference bringing together all aspects of our local food system. This event gives you the opportunity to:
• Get a “bird’s eye view” of what’s happening in local food throughout eastern Ontario;
• Make key connections with businesses and organizations that can support your work;
• Attend sessions that address current challenges in Eastern Ontario’s local food sector;
• Enjoy and celebrate eastern Ontario’s local food offerings with others who are as passionate about local food as you are. Read more

Upcoming Events

Organic Seed Workshops

As part of their work for The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security, Everdale is offering a special series of organic seed production workshops in 2014 across Ontario! Coming soon:

Field Day: Fundamentals of Seed Production
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming
Cost: Pay what you can

Seed Saving and Seed Production Workshop
Date: Saturday, Sept. 27th, 2014
Time: 10 am to 4 pm
Cost: $85/person
Location: Everdale Farm

Read more


The Harvest Table Fundraiser Dinner

Saturday October 4th, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Please to join FarmStart to celebrate the fall harvest and support a new generation of ecological farmers at the 3rd Harvest Table Dinner, at Earth to Table Farm in Flamborough, Ontario on Saturday, October 4, 2014. The crisp fall evening will be filled with charm and delectable things to taste! Join us for a farm tour and hors d’oeuvres, a four course family-style Harvest Table dinner, live entertainment, silent auction and more. Executive Chef Jeff Crump of Earth to Table (and the Ancaster Mill) will prepare the delicious meal featuring the farms fresh organic vegetables and pastured chickens, along with other locally produced organic meat, cheese, beer and wine. Read more


Food Secure Canada Assembly

Food Secure Canada has announced the full programme for its bi-annual assembly, Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All, which will take place at the Halifax Habourfront Hotel from November 13th to 16th.

With more than sixty workshops, plenaries, and working groups, these three days of action-packed learning by Canada’s food movement will provide an unique opportunity to tackle a broad range of food issues and to create effective, collective responses to current challenges of sustainability, hunger and health. Read more



Upcoming Webinars

Collective Impact and Community Economic Development
September 23, 12 pm Eastern

Canadian Community Economic Development Network
Increasingly, community organizations are engaging in collaboration as a means to try and solve some of the most complex issues that they face. But these challenging issues require a new approach, a new framework.

Join internationally recognized trainer and community builder Liz Weaver for a workshop that provides participants with an overview of collective impact and how this approach can enhance the impact of community change efforts. Read more


September 24th at 2PM Atlantic / 10 AM Pacific

Food Business Bootcamp – Food Secure Canada
Choosing a mobile device these days can be overwhelming, never mind selecting the best information technology system for your food business. Yet understanding both your needs and the range of options to meet them can save you critical money in both the start up and ongoing phase of your operation.
Saloni Doshi, Strategy Consultant with New Venture Advisors.
Read more


Food Hub Benchmarking Study 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM ET

The NGFN Food Hub Collaboration
Food Hubs are delivering on their promise of enabling identity-preserved, primarily local and regional food to enter the wholesale market, enabling small and mid-sized farms access to buyers that would otherwise be unattainable. But aggregation and distribution of food is a very thin-margin business, and hubs take on additional expense working with smaller farmers, providing technical assistance, and other grower and community services. Are food hubs able to support themselves with their operations? What are industry-standard financial and operational benchmarks for food hub businesses? Read more


Measuring Your Local Impact

September 25th at 1-2 PM Pacific

BALLE (the Business Alliance of Local Living Economies)
Place matters, people matter, ownership matters… and how we measure them matters.
Local leaders are constantly asked to quantify their impact on their communities for funders, partners and standard reporting. The challenge is knowing the right questions to ask and having useful, accessible tools that are relevant for the New Economy.
In this free webinar, hear what BALLE is learning from our network leaders, hands-on case studies from two BALLE fellows, and an update on the Quick Impact Assessment for Localists, a new online tool BALLE is piloting in partnership with B Lab to help conveners measure outcomes among businesses in their communities. Read more


Communities Defining Quality Collective Impact

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 – 16:00 TO 17:00
Over 49 communities are working together through the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network to define quality collective impact. Join this online panel discussion to learn about the proven, rigorous approach these communities are using to build civic infrastructure and hear stories about how cross-sector partnerships on the ground are implementing innovative approaches to support the unique needs of every child.

Fortnightly Feast vol. 22


Début, the first issue of Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation went live on May 20, 2014. CFS/RCÉA is the open-access, online journal of the Canadian Association for Food Studies. The journal’s peer-reviewed articles and commentaries, as well as visuals and voices from the field, collectively illuminate multiple dimensions of the Canadian foodscape.

Eating Well in Pictou Landing: Pollution and access are daily challenges

A new research report reveals that pollution and ecological changes around Pictou Landing First Nation (in Nova Scotia) are the most significant community challenge when it comes to eating well. Community members shared photographs and stories to describe their experiences with food and point to their key concerns, which also included physical and economic access to healthy food.

The report’s summary, along with a video presentation and the full report can be found at http://foodarc.ca/project-activities/pictou-landing-cfs/

The Story of The Seed webinar

Join Food Secure Canada on Thursday May 22, at 1PM Eastern / 10AM Pacific for the story of how the community of Guelph, Ontario is changing the way it thinks about food security. The presenters will share the results of some local research on the issue, and discuss the actions that have been connected to that research. The focus will be on how a coalition of community partners have come together to create The Seed – a project informed by local research and community consultation, and inspired by the Community Food Centre model. More information on the webinar is available here.

To join the webinar, sign in here: http://foodsecurecanada.adobeconnect.com/cfice/


Webinar: Building Relationships

The key to influencing local, sustainable procurement at institutions

Hosted by Food Secure Canada

Join us in this webinar to find out more about the CFSP’s lessons learned, approach, and to hear first hand about the experience of students affecting cultural changes in institutional food systems.


Since 2011, the Campus Food Systems Project (CFSP), a joint initiative between Meal Exchange and Sierra Youth Coalition, has been working to empower students with the leadership skills they need to bring healthy, local, and sustainable food to Canadian campuses. An essential component of this project has been the work of our student leaders to cultivate a shared culture of investment and interest in the food system across key players within their institutions. Our student leaders have successfully empowered champions and developed diverse networks within their institutions and communities. These networks and relationships are key ingredients to pushing a good food agenda forward within any institutional food system – be it a post-secondary campus, hospital, or school.


Festival of Good Food Ideas

A Festival of Food Ideas Welcomes Food Leaders From Across Canada in Montreal

MONTREAL, November 20, 2013 – Food organizations from across Canada will be joining Montreal-based food groups for a feast of good food ideas on Tuesday November 26th. Over 200 individuals and organizations are expected to take part in the event, which is catered by Montreal’s food movement including restaurants and food banks, much of it with local and sustainably sourced ingredients, as well as guest speakers and live musical entertainment.

The Festival of Food Ideas is being hosted by Food Secure Canada as part of activities surrounding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held in Montreal the next day. Over the course of the evening, participants will share food and stories about food, as well as discuss their challenges, successes and hopes for an equitable, healthy and more local food system.

Award-winning Abenaki film-maker Alanis Obomsawin will open the evening with a song and acclaimed Quebec writer and social activist Laure Waridel will deliver a keynote address. Featured speakers will talk about the on the ground solutions to our broken food system. They include Nick Saul (co-author of The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement) and Debbie Field (Executive Director of Toronto’s FoodShare which delivers healthy, locally sourced meals daily for over 150,000 kids) and Isabelle St-Germain (who will speak of Equiterre’s groundbreaking work on food from the farm to the court room).  Musical entertainment is being provided by jazz pianist and singer Jessica Vigneault (daughter of Gilles Vigneault), Juno award-winner Paulo Ramos, and percussionist Daniel Bellagarde (draft program).

The event is the Montreal launch of Food Secure Canada, whose bustling head office was opened in Montreal just over a year ago. Major partners for the event include Espace La Fontaine, a beautiful bistro in the heart of the park, as well as USC Canada, a leading development organization that has just launched a global seed map and the J. W. McConnell Foundation, and UNIFOR. Several community organizations – Santropol roulant, Regroupement des Cuisines Collectives, Moisson Montréal and local businesses are also supporting the event.  See the complete list of sponsors.

The event is free and open to the public. A donation in the amount of your last restaurant meal is suggested for those who would like to contribute towards the cost of the event.

Read more

Upcoming Webinars

Changing How Campuses Learn and Eat through Coursework

Interested in learning how applied student research can facilitate food system change?

Tune in on October 8th at 12:30pm EDT! Click here to register.

Hosted by the Campus Food Systems Project in collaboration with Food Secure Canada, this webinar will explore how to create, support and integrate student learning into food systems change on campus and in communities. Presenters Lilith Wyatt – Sustainability Officer at McGill and Brent Mansfield – Coordinator with UBC’s Food System Project will discuss the opportunities, benefits and challenges of Applied Student Research.


Bridging the Gap

Helping to connect good food with low-income communities
Join Community Food Centres Canada on October 9 from 12-1pm EDT for a webinar featuring Gillian Flies of The New Farm and Ayal Dinner from the West End Food Coop.

When: Wednesday October 9, 2013 12-1pm EDT
Where: Your Computer – Register Here! – https://cfccanada.webex.com/
How Much: Free!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ross@cfccanada.ca.


Resilient Cities 2014

Building on the ideas shared at the 4th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation, ICLEI presents the 1st webinar in the 2013 series:

Resilient city-region food systems policies

Wednesday 16 October 16:00-17:00 CET (11:00 – 12:00 EDT)

This webinar will discuss the development and implementation of policies that support a resilient city region food system.

Speakers are Lauren Baker, Toronto Food Policy Council; Stanley Visser, City of Cape Town; and Marielle Dubbeling, RUAF Foundation.