Tag Archives: Food Security Research Network

Research Assistant in Northern Food Systems

The Food Security Research Network and the Department of Health Sciences at Lakehead University are looking for up to three exceptional candidates to conduct Northern food policy research as part of the Master of Health Sciences program. The student will support ongoing research on northern food systems starting in September 2016 under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Schiff and Dr. Charles Levkoe. A graduate assistantship of $10,000 will be matched with a SSHRC research assistantship of $5,000, pending budgetary approval, through the FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged) partnership grant.

Topics of study will include:

  • Policies that influence availability and accessibility of local fish to enhance community well-being and social entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Policies of food safety and agriculture as mechanisms that enhance and/or challenge food production and processing in northern Ontario.
  • Policies that influence the harvesting of forest food including berries, mushrooms, and wild rice.

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Northern community working with Cloverbelt Co-Op to address food security

from the Dryden Observer, November 19, 2014:

Not just the title of the new book commemorating Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI, formerly Big Trout Lake), but a reflection of a time when life revolved around hunting, fishing, gathering and gardening, ‘We are one with the land’ is a reminder to current generations to tend to that connection and en-root themselves.

Chief Donny Morris, the KI band council, economic development staff and entire community welcomed Cloverbelt Local Food Co-Op (CLFC) President, Jen Springett and Food Security Research Network (FSRN) Director, Connie Nelson into their remote, northern community last week as they worked together to gather information and create a strong partnership dedicated to creating local opportunities and sustainable solutions to improve food security for all remote communities.

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News from the Food Security Research Network

The Food Security Research Network, the Faculty of Natural Resources Management at Lakehead University, the North Superior Workforce Planning Board and the Northwest Training and Adjustment Board have put together a poster that comprehensively documents the lessons from their Workforce Multiplier Effect Study.

Poster-Mulltiplier Effect Study (pdf 313 kB)

The Study

The Workforce Multiplier Effect of Local Farms and Food Processors in Northwestern Ontario (pdf 1 MB) is a report from the Food Security Research Network and the Faculty of Natural Resources Management at Lakehead University, funded and supported by the North Superior Workforce Planning Board and the Northwest Training and Adjustment Board.

The agricultural food production sector is an important industry in Northwestern Ontario. One of the notable characteristics of the agricultural food production sector is that it provides residents with a range of local food options. There has been a growing demand of locally produced food over the last decade with increasing awareness of environmental, economic, and health implications of eating local food. The development of local food systems is a growing area of interest and is viewed as a logical strategy to improve community economic vitality.
The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed examination of the role played by the food production and processing sector on workforce multiplier effect in Northwestern Ontario. This includes an assessment of the indirect impacts of employment generated in the region. The study assesses the current state of food production, compares the changes in the state of food production between 2006 and 2011, explores the workforce multiplier effect of local food production throughout the economy, and provides a forecast of workforce multiplier effect of local food production for the next 5 years in each of the three districts (Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora) of Northwestern Ontario. The report is intended to help the broader community better understand the nature and economic significance of the food production and processing in terms of jobs. The findings are also intended to inform program and policy development work within Northwestern Ontario.

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Positions in Food Systems Studies

Postdoctoral scholar: Agriburban food systems

We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar to assist with a funded SSHRC study to examine food production systems on the rural/urban fringe in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, with a potential for additional fieldwork in Portland, Oregon. The ideal candidate will have expertise in local food systems and experience analyzing small lot farming operations and land use change on the rural/urban fringe. There is significant scope to pursue one’s own interests within the larger context of the project.

This two year position, beginning in January of 2014, will be jointly supervised by Dr. Lenore Newman, Canada Research Chair in Food Security and Environment at the University of the Fraser Valley, and Dr. Hannah Wittman in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. The position will require residence in Vancouver or the Fraser Valley, and a valid driver’s license. GIS skills are also a desired asset. Salary is 40,000 per year plus benefits, with generous research expenses and conference presentation funding available. Please send an expression of interest, a CV, and contact information for two academic references to lenore.newman@ufv.ca and hannah.wittman@ubc.ca by October 15, 2013.


Lakehead University
Tier II Canada Research Chair in Food Systems Studies

Lakehead University invites applications for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Food Systems Studies at a rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. We seek an innovative, outstanding emerging researcher that has demonstrated interdisciplinary research strengths, grantsmanship and publications in food systems study.  The Chair will work closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences and will take a lead role at the Food Security Research Network (FSRN) (www.fsrn.ca ) which has an established track record in community-based research. Read more

Ithaca College
Environmental Studies & Sciences
Ithaca College invites applications for a renewable three-year non-tenure eligible Assistant Professor position in Environmental Studies in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences to begin Fall 2014. We are looking for an interdisciplinary teacher and scholar whose work addresses environmental issues from a social science perspective. We seek someone who specializes in one of the following: the culture of sustainable agriculture and food systems, environmental justice, community organizing, or sustainable planning/design. The successful candidate will play a key role in enhancing the social sciences curriculum within the department. She or he should have strong interests and/or experience in integrative and experiential education. The candidate will be expected to teach in the college’s new integrative core curriculum, as well as introductory and upper-level required or elective courses in environmental studies/science. Read more

Lakehead University Tier II Canada Research Chair in Food Systems Studies

Lakehead University invites applications for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Food Systems Studies at a rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. We seek an innovative, outstanding emerging researcher that has demonstrated interdisciplinary research strengths, grantsmanship and publications in food systems study.  The Chair will work closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences and will take a lead role at the Food Security Research Network (FSRN) (www.fsrn.ca ) which has an established track record in community-based research.  There are many opportunities for the Chair to embrace a diversity of interdisciplinary topics critical to the study of building resilient and sustainable food systems.  Ongoing research at FSRN embraces the application of a complex adaptive systems perspective to food systems.  Given the scope and potential impacts of local food systems, it is particularly critical to understand their dynamics as they emerge through innovation and evolve in response to their surroundings within a context geared primarily toward the dominant agri-industrial system.

See the full posting for application details. Persons that are interested may contact Dr. Mirella Stroink  mstroink@lakeheadu.ca or Dr. Connie Nelson cnelson@lakeheadu.ca for further information on this Chair position.  Selection decisions will be made by Lakehead’s CRC Committee.