Tag Archives: seeds

Every Good Recipe Starts with a Seed!


The Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN)  helps to support local gardeners and farmers in growing healthy, nutritious food by providing them with good seeds, and information on research-supported farming practices.
In conjunction with The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security, ACORN hosts seed field days, runs workshops on seed production, organizes seed mentorship programs, and supports research and seed collection projects that strengthen local seed libraries.
This new video, part of the Nourishing Communities Social and Informal Economies of Food video series, demonstrates the lasting value that lessons in seed saving can have in your community.

How Millions of Farmers are Advancing Agriculture For Themselves

published by Independent Science News
Jonathan Latham (December 3rd, 2012)

Synopsis: A farmer-led revolution in agriculture is underway. Small farmers
around the world are dramatically boosting their yields and productivity by
adopting a growing system called SCI (System of Crop Intensification).

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