Category Archives: Nourishing Communities

Ontario Food Hub Case Studies

Food hubs are actual or virtual spaces through which food is collected and distributed to processors, retailers, restaurants, or other organizations. They can also provide space for other food-related activities including food preparation, handling and/or processing, education and skill-building, and increasing food access.

With generous funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, the Nourishing Communities research group has recently completed a series of in-depth case studies of food hubs in Ontario. These case studies tell the stories of innovative food hubs from across the province, and provide insights into what makes a food hub successful, and how these businesses and organizations help build more sustainable, local food systems.

In Northern Ontario, the food hub case study work was led by Dr. Connie Nelson and her team at Lakehead University. Here is a look at what they found.

Reports from Eastern and Southcentral Ontario will be coming soon!

Ontario’s Local Food Report: 2014-15 Edition

The Local Food Strategy is one of the key ways government and industry are working together to solidify Ontario’s position as a world leader in food production.

A major component of the strategy is the Local Food Act, 2013, which provides new tools to increase awareness of local food, nurture local food markets and foster vibrant food-based economies across the province. A key feature of the act is the establishment of goals or targets. The first series of goals – for food literacy – were announced in January 2015. By setting these goals and committing to measure progress, we are working to enable more Ontarians to identify, obtain and prepare food grown in our Ontario.

The Local Food Act, 2013 calls for an annual report on the government’s local food activities. This publication marks our first annual Local Food Report. It provides the groundwork for future reports that will chart our progress in bringing local food to more tables across the province.

Read the full report here


Evaluating Community Food Hubs: A Practical Guide

Supported by the OMAFRA-University of Guelph Research Partnership, Erin Nelson and Karen Landman have developed a practical guide aimed at helping community food hubs conduct evaluation work. The information and suggestions provided in the guide are based largely on conversations with representatives of community food hubs that have proven track-records of success – both in terms of their overall operations, and in implementing effective evaluation strategies. The insights offered by these experts in the field are complemented by information from the literature available on evaluation.

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Food Safety and the Impact of Regulations on Small Food Producers and Processors

Micro and Small Business Consultation at CFIA

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking input and comments on the discussion paper: Options for Reducing Burden for Micro and Small Businesses. The paper lays out the reasoning behind the Safe Food for Canadians Act, and why they are seeking additional consultations regarding the regulations that will support the Act:

  • …The consequences to public health and the economy when food safety issues arise can be severe, regardless of the size of the company. Food safety risks depend on the type of food product, the processes and management systems in place – not size of business.
  • …The CFIA would like to hear more from companies on how it can better support micro and small businesses in their efforts to produce safe food and comply with new food regulations.
  • Further, the costs and challenges that small and micro companies would face in meeting proposed new requirements needs more study. There are options that can be considered to support micro and small businesses as new regulations are developed and implemented.

To provide comments and fill out the questionnaire


Food Hubs: An Antidote to 21st-Century Food Problems?

…from The Epoch Times, June 11, 2015

…Each model is unique because they work to address needs specific to their community. What all hubs have in common is their mission to support farmers, make fresh local food available to larger markets, and strengthen local economies while shortening the distance food travels from farm to plate.

The potential of food hubs is not only monetary, but found in the wider “values network” they bring to their communities, says Alison Blay-Palmer. […] Food hubs also help farmers get a decent income from farming, and encourage startup farms—an invaluable benefit that contributes to local air, water and soil quality[…]. Any land that stays productive is more likely to stave off hungry developers.

“I think that people are starting to understand that eating healthier food and supporting local farmers is one thing that they can do in a world that they don’t have a lot of control over,” she says, adding that food hubs in Canada are developing “in leaps and bounds.”

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Fortnightly Feast

Gujarat becomes 9th Indian state to declare organic farming policy, plans to set up implementation cell

Gujarat, after declaring its organic farming policy last month and has become the ninth state to do so, after Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland. The state government had launched the organic policy on April 10 and this seminar was held to discuss on how to implement policy in phase-wise manner. …“As Chief Minister of Gujarat demonstrated a political will by introducing organic policy the state is likely to emerge as a roll model for the rest of the country. We will take the concept of organic farming in phase -wise manner in villages and blocks of Gujarat and we believe that Gujarat can fully achieve organic farming methods in next ten years and it can show the way to country like the Gujarat model of development,” agriculture policy analyst Devinder Sharma said. Read more

Making Space for Public Space

The notion that public space is a key point of entry to sustainable development in an urbanizing word is gaining greater recognition as national and local policy makers, professionals and civil society actors advance towards the United Nations Conference devoted to Adequate Housing for All and Sustainable Urban Development, which will also discuss the theme of public space for our cities. FAO’s Food for Cities Initiative emphasized the need to strengthen rural-urban linkages to build greener cities at the International Round Table. Read more

Farm Hack: An open source community for resilient agriculture

“We are a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify our own tools. We share our hacks online and at meet ups because we become better farmers when we work together.” From compost censors and farmer-owned distribution networks to the solar powered ‘lazy weeder’, Farm Hack Tools provides links to innovative prototypes that solve almost any problem. Read more

Hamilton moves ahead with east-end urban farm for residents

The city is moving forward with an east-end neighbourhood’s plan to turn a three-acre field into an urban farm. Councillors have backed a $350,000 construction job to break ground on the McQuesten Urban Farm as early as late summer. … City staff will start working on issuing a request for proposals for the construction project once council has given its final stamp of approval. The hope is to see construction start in late summer or early fall, making the farm ready for the 2016 growing season, said Adam Watson, a city staffer working on the project. Read more

Constructing the ‘food insecure’: Implications for public policy

When: Monday, June 22, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Where: University of Toronto, Nutritional Sciences, 150 College St., Toronto
FitzGerald Bld Room 423

Luke Craven is a PhD student at the University of Sydney. His interests lie in the application of social and political theory to contemporary policy problems, with a focus on food politics, policy, and system reform. His PhD research examines how we should understand and respond to household food insecurity, drawing on empirical research with Afghan migrants in each of Sydney, London and San Francisco.

Czech teacher battles bee-killing disease with hot hive

Scientists battling a bee-killing disease are about to start testing a new weapon — a sun-heated hive designed by a Czech high school teacher. Roman Linhart told Reuters he had secured a patent for his invention after 10 years of research into ways of wiping out varroosis disease, which has been destroying bee colonies across the world. The stakes are high, as the death of bees threatens harvests which rely on the insects for pollination.  The teacher at Chrudim’s Secondary School of Agriculture, 120 km (75 miles) east from Prague, joins a line-up of experts who have been trying to find an efficient way to tackle the condition for decades. Experts from Czech Republic’s Palacky University said they were about to start trialing Linhart’s method — which aims to kill the Varroa destructor parasite responsible for the disease by heating up hives to 40 degrees Celsius (104 F) and higher. Read more

Migrant worker crash survivor Juan Ariza closer to residency

from CBC, April 30…

A Peruvian migrant worker who endured a nightmare after taking a job in Canada is now close to realizing his dream, in what some legal experts are calling a significant move by the government.

Juan Jose Ariza was one of 14 men involved in a deadly car accident in southwestern Ontario in February 2012.

Eleven died in the crash. Ariza survived with severe injuries – and after undergoing extensive treatment in Canada, he is now on his way to winning the right to live here permanently. Read more

Quebec Budget Boosts Social Economy

… from CCED Network

Quebec’s Minister of Finance, Carlos Leitão, presented the 2015-16 budget on March 26th. Some of the most significant positive measures include:

  • The $20M addition to the Programme d’infrastructure en entrepreneuriat collectif (PIEC) [Collective entrepreneurship infrastructure program];
  • The $10M recapitalization of Réseau d’investissement social du Québec (RISQ);
  • A $30M budget to relaunch Investissement Quebec’s program to stimulate the capitalization of social economy enterprises;
  • $10M over five years for an action plan for seniors and persons in loss of autonomy as well as the renewal of the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PEFSAD);
  • $3.5M over five years to support innovation and the development of markets, and the confirmation of funding for five years of the liaison and transfer organization, Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS);
  • A $1M fund over five years to support workers in their process to create worker cooperatives in the context of business reactivation;
  • $29M over five years for various grassroots organizations that work to support the development of social economy enterprises, especially in rural and remote regions.

Read more

Food for Health Research Forum

Join us Thursday, April 9 for the 2015 OMAFRA – University of Guelph Food for Health Research Forum at the Conference Centre, 1 Stone Road, Guelph from 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m.

Details include:

Health Promotion in Ontario – The Link Between Food and Chronic Disease

Martha Greenberg, Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Promotion Division, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care — 9 am

Industry and Consumer Perspectives on Food for Health — 9.30
Crossing the Divide – From Academic Research to Industry Output — 10.45
Healthy Eating for Healthy Aging — 11.15
Food Literacy and Healthy Eating — 1 pm
Building Local Food Capacity to Increase Healthy Eating and Create Social and Economic Benefits — 2.30
Grad Student Poster Prize Announcement and Closing Remarks — 3.30

To attend via webinar or see the agenda


Ontario’s Local Food Act and Food Literacy Goals

Webinar hosted by The Nutrition Resource Centre (OPHA)

Tuesday, 31 March 2015 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM (EDT)

The Ontario government is spreading the word about local food to help increase the demand for the good things that are grown, harvested and made in Ontario.  In this context, OMAFRA will present on the Local Food Act and the development of the recently announced aspirational food literacy goals in relation to local food.
Presenter: Sherry Persaud, a Policy Advisor with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Read more