Tag Archives: Our Food Project

Our Food Project from Ecology Action Centre

The Ecology Action Centre has released its 2014-2015 report and highlights.

There you will find evidence of the impact EAC has throughout their community, including the Cost-Share CSA, the Photovoice Project, storysharing, workshops, and co-hosting   Food Secure Canada’s 8th National Assembly. Read more

News from our East Coast Partners

Ecology Action Center’s Our Food Project

from the 2013-14 Annual Report [pdf 5.5 mB]

The overarching goal of the Our Food Project is to strengthen communities’ relationship to food by helping to build what we call “positive food environments”. Positive food environments are the physical and social spaces that help to normalize healthy eating by making it easier to grow, sell and eat good food. We work at the individual, community and systemic level to increase the availability of nutritious food as well as our access to it.In doing so, we actively involve people in the development of more localized food systems. Read more