Category Archives: Nourishing Communities


First posted April 8, 2014 on the website of the Guelph Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination

Blog post by Erin Nelson
Erin is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Guelph School of Environmental Design and Rural Development and a Seed Community Food Hub Committee Member

For someone like me, who thinks food hubs are really great, it has been an exciting couple of weeks. First, I was able to attend a food hub conference in North Carolina where I met people from the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, Rochester New York’s Foodlink, the Food Bank of East Alabama, and the Oregon Food Bank. These organizations are part of a growing movement to transform food banks into places that provide good, healthy food, while at the same time working to build thriving community food systems and fighting the root causes of food insecurity. Hearing the stories of how these four food banks have reimagined their role in the community, and have become places that represent empowerment, learning, and even celebration, was incredibly inspiring.

I brought that inspiration back with me to Guelph, where there has been growing momentum for a local project modeled on the kind of work I saw happening in the United States, and on the vision of Community Food Centres Canada. (Incidentally, when the folks in the U.S. heard that I was part of a project connected to Community Food Centres Canada, they treated me like I was a bit of a rock star. This had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the fact that CFCC founder Nick Saul is a genuine hero to people trying to shift the way we address hunger in our communities. If this shift interests you at all, I highly recommend his book The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement.)

Back to Guelph, and our local community food security story. At the end of January, more than 100 people gathered at Dublin Street United Church for an Open Space workshop to brainstorm ideas for The Seed Community Food Hub. There was so much energy and enthusiasm in the room that day you could almost reach out and touch it. On April 4th, a smaller group of dedicated Seed supporters got together at the Guelph Community Health Centre to take things a step further. Using the fabulous ideas that were generated by the Open Space(as well as other research and community consultation results), we started building a solid action plan to get The Seed off the ground.

The workshop was facilitated by Taylor Newberry Consulting’s Jaime Brown, who began the day by telling the story of The Seed’s development, from 2009 to today. Then we all got to work on the action planning that will help us write the next chapter of The Seed story together. People in the room represented many different community groups and organizations, including the Poverty Task Force, the Guelph-Wellington Food Round Table, Community Voices, the Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition, the United Way, the Upper Grand District School Board, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, the City of Guelph, the University of Guelph’s Research Shop, Farm-to-Fork, the Appleseed Collective Revival and many more. We were particularly lucky to have Elizabeth Fraser in the room, who shared a wealth of knowledge and expertise based on her years of experience working at Community Food Centres Canada. We were also grateful for a delicious lunch provided by local caterer Terra et Silva.

By the end of the day, lots of ideas had been collected and organized focusing on key priorities like finding a location, securing funding, and building programs. The Seed Committee will spend the next few weeks pulling these ideas together and integrating them into the work that it has already done. Then, action groups can really start digging into these activities and preparing the ground for The Seed to be planted.

If I felt inspired after hearing the stories of our American counterparts, I felt even more so after Friday’s Seed planning day. At its core, the vision of The Seed – and organizations like it – is about the power of food to build community. Even before it has opened its doors, that’s exactly what is already happening. A few weeks ago, as I was walking in downtown Guelph, I saw somebody I didn’t recognize wearing a Seed button, and it put a huge smile on my face. We later chatted, and he told me that he loves the idea of The Seed but for now can only support it by wearing the button. That kind of support is invaluable! If you’d like to see more Seed buttons around town, or would like to be involved in any way in the building of The Seed, please (or find someone around town wearing the logo on their jacket and say hi!).

News from the Food Security Research Network

The Food Security Research Network, the Faculty of Natural Resources Management at Lakehead University, the North Superior Workforce Planning Board and the Northwest Training and Adjustment Board have put together a poster that comprehensively documents the lessons from their Workforce Multiplier Effect Study.

Poster-Mulltiplier Effect Study (pdf 313 kB)

The Study

The Workforce Multiplier Effect of Local Farms and Food Processors in Northwestern Ontario (pdf 1 MB) is a report from the Food Security Research Network and the Faculty of Natural Resources Management at Lakehead University, funded and supported by the North Superior Workforce Planning Board and the Northwest Training and Adjustment Board.

The agricultural food production sector is an important industry in Northwestern Ontario. One of the notable characteristics of the agricultural food production sector is that it provides residents with a range of local food options. There has been a growing demand of locally produced food over the last decade with increasing awareness of environmental, economic, and health implications of eating local food. The development of local food systems is a growing area of interest and is viewed as a logical strategy to improve community economic vitality.
The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed examination of the role played by the food production and processing sector on workforce multiplier effect in Northwestern Ontario. This includes an assessment of the indirect impacts of employment generated in the region. The study assesses the current state of food production, compares the changes in the state of food production between 2006 and 2011, explores the workforce multiplier effect of local food production throughout the economy, and provides a forecast of workforce multiplier effect of local food production for the next 5 years in each of the three districts (Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora) of Northwestern Ontario. The report is intended to help the broader community better understand the nature and economic significance of the food production and processing in terms of jobs. The findings are also intended to inform program and policy development work within Northwestern Ontario.

Read more

Webinar: Building Relationships

The key to influencing local, sustainable procurement at institutions

Hosted by Food Secure Canada

Join us in this webinar to find out more about the CFSP’s lessons learned, approach, and to hear first hand about the experience of students affecting cultural changes in institutional food systems.


Since 2011, the Campus Food Systems Project (CFSP), a joint initiative between Meal Exchange and Sierra Youth Coalition, has been working to empower students with the leadership skills they need to bring healthy, local, and sustainable food to Canadian campuses. An essential component of this project has been the work of our student leaders to cultivate a shared culture of investment and interest in the food system across key players within their institutions. Our student leaders have successfully empowered champions and developed diverse networks within their institutions and communities. These networks and relationships are key ingredients to pushing a good food agenda forward within any institutional food system – be it a post-secondary campus, hospital, or school.


Fortnightly Feast vol. 19

Upcoming Webinars

Food on our minds: Diet, mental health, and the role of community food programs

Wednesday April 9, 2014 from 12 to 1 p.m. EDT

Free!  Register Here! –

Join us on Wednesday, April 9th from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. EDT for a webinar pod-cast that will explore the role that a healthy diet and cooking together have in mental health promotion. In this webinar, Karen Davison, a dietitian and leading researcher in the intersection of nutrition and mental health, will share key findings from her work. And Kristyn Dunnion, the Community Kitchen Coordinator at The Stop Community Food Centre, will speak about her experience running food programs for those struggling with mental health and poverty. The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Trace MacKay, Research and Evaluation Coordinator at Community Food Centres Canada.

Key topics we’ll cover in this webinar include: the impact of diet as a prevention and response to mental health challenges, the role that poverty and food insecurity play in mental health, and how food programs can be an important part of the response.
We’d like to cater the webinar to your interests, so please email us questions you’d like us to pose during the webinar and we’ll do our best to get to as many as we can.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emily at


Food Justice, Obesity & the Social Determinants of Health
April 10, 2 p.m. EST
Presented in conjunction with National Public Health WeekShiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH, APHA president-electCecilia Martinez, PhD, Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy
Healthy communities depend on food environments that offer all residents access to healthy food choices. Where people live should not dictate how well they can eat, but it often does. APHA President-elect Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, discusses food environments as drivers of obesity and related diseases as well as critical elements in achieving health equity. Speaker Cecilia Martinez, PhD, will discuss community indicators for food justice.

This is part 1 of a 4-part series, co-sponsored by APHA and Healthy Food Action. Register once for all four. You may attend as many as you like, but are not required to attend all four. is now live!

The Collective Impact Forum, an initiative of FSG and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, is a resource for people and organizations using the collective impact approach to address large-scale social and environmental problems. We aim to increase the effectiveness and adoption of collective impact by providing practitioners with access to the tools, training opportunities, and peer networks they need to be successful in their work.

Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada

An Assessment of the State of Knowledge

Food insecurity presents a serious and growing challenge in Canada’s northern and remote Aboriginal communities. In 2011, off-reserve Aboriginal households in Canada were about twice as likely as other Canadian households to be food insecure. Finding lasting solutions will require the involvement not just of policy-makers but of those most affected by food insecurity: people living in the North.

Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge offers policy-makers a holistic starting-point for discussion and problem-solving. It also provides evidence and options to researchers and communities engaging in local responses.

Read the full report.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems – Tier II Canada Research Chair

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2014-02-19

We create an exceptional learning environment committed to preparing learners for leadership, service and success


Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) invites applications for a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems. Areas of expertise appropriate for this CRC include but are not limited to, agroecology and cropping/farm systems, field and protected vegetable crop production, agricultural economics and farm business management. The objective of the CRC program ( is to promote leading research and prepare highly qualified university personnel. This appointment is provisional and contingent on the successful preparation and submission of the CRC application by the selected candidate prior to appointment, and subsequent award of CRC funding. As such the successful candidate/CRC applicant will be hired upon CRC award. This will be a 75% research and 25% teaching appointment.

It is anticipated that candidate selection will begin March 2014; the selected nominee’s application will be submitted to CRC on April 28 or October 14, 2014depending on the strength and capacity of the candidate. CRC award will be confirmed and an appointment made either October, 2014 or April 2015.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University, originally established by the government of British Columbia in 1981 as a College, was designated a university in 2009. The University, with 16,000 FTES, has four campuses located in Metro Vancouver British Columbia and provides a unique regional university environment bridging urban, suburban and rural communities. Southwest British Columbia and the province on the whole is one of Canada’s most important and productive agricultural areas. The University offers bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, diplomas, certificates and citations in over 135 programs. It is envisaged that Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, based at KPU’s Richmond campus, will constitute a signature program of the new polytechnic.

In September, 2012 the Bachelor of Applied Science- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems degree was launched. Its focus and curricular content is unique to North America and intends to prepare the builders and leaders of a sustainable 21st century agriculture food system foundational to sustainable society. The CRC will teach classes in this degree program. The CRC will also conduct applied research pertinent to agriculture and food systems in affiliation with the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems ( the program’s research arm. A diverse team of agriculturists, economists, ecologists, planners and social scientists push the boundaries of agriculture and food systems research through multifaceted community and regional projects in western Canada. Applied research engages students, community and the food and farming sector at all stages, bringing together powerful partnerships in discovery and learning. Additionally, the University is in the process of establishing a research and teaching farm.

Applicants must have earned a PhD. in an appropriate field within the last 10 years, have a solid record of applied research, publication and outreach, demonstrated ability to generate research funding to support their research program, demonstrated success in collaborative research project work, and be prepared to lead and/or contribute to KPU agriculture teaching, research and outreach programming.

To apply, please submit a letter of application, four letters of reference, a maximum 2 page statement of your teaching/ education philosophy and indication of the kinds of agriculture/ food system classes you could teach, a maximum 2 page discussion of your research interests and a 5 year plan along with your current resume and a copy of post-secondary transcripts, quoting the competition number 14-35 by March 14, 2014 to:

We thank all applicants for their interest in Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
However, only those applicants selected for further consideration will be contacted.

New Working Paper Series

As frequent visitors to the site will know, the Nourishing Communities research partnership has been evolving since 2007, over the course of several projects. In response to input from our community partners, we are investigating a number of critical research issues that have emerged as potential avenues for improving the viability of community food initiatives: 1. land access for local / sustainable production; 2. innovative models of financing for community initiatives [distribution / processing / aggregation]; 3. strategies for tackling the tensions between food security and housing security; 4. opportunities to help farmers access sustainable local food markets; 5. supply management; 6. scale-appropriate regulation; and 7. institutional procurement.

Researcher Steve Piazza with corresponding authors Patricia Ballamingie and Peter Andrée have produced Food Access and Farm Income Environmental Scan, which aims to answer several questions:
What are the best strategies for tackling affordable access to local food in a way that still fairly rewards the producers of that food? How do we move beyond making local food a high-end, niche market for the rich? What are the initiatives in Eastern Ontario (or elsewhere) that do both – augment productive capacity and ensure viable incomes for farmers while also addressing access issues? Are these strategies specifically targeted at low-income groups, or based on universality (e.g. school breakfast programs)? What policies and incentives can be put in place to support these strategies at local and provincial levels? Are there policies that effectively hinder progress in this area?

Food Access and Farm Income Environmental Scan is the first in a series of working papers that will offer initial reflections on the research themes and results. These working papers will also give our community and practitioner partners and collaborators a chance to give feedback on the research, as well as some results that can be spread throughout their networks.


Settlement, Food Lands, and Sustainable Habitation

The Historical Development of Agricultural Policy and Urban Planning in Southern Ontario

Joel Fridman

Couched between a west branch of the Humber River on one side and rows of houses on the other, in the heart of suburban Brampton just north and west of Toronto, sits 45 acres of prime, certified organic soil cultivated by 36 new farmers – 20 different farm enterprises in all. These 45 acres make up McVean Farm, one of two farms run by FarmStart, an organization based in Guelph, Ontario that seeks to support a new generation of farmers. Read more

Thesis for Masters of Arts in Geography, Collaborative Program in Environmental Studies, Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto

Fortnightly Feast vol. 17

Urban Agriculture Magazine

From RUAF, issue 26 of Urban Agriculture is about seeking the right mix of subsidies, credit, savings, and resource mobilisation, while thinking about waste.

The latest version of the magazine (UA26) is available to download (pdf 3.1 MB)

Farmland Forum 2014

Join us at our 10th annual Forum, as we explore the challenges of urban growth management and the protection of agriculture in Ontario’s near-urban farming communities, by asking:
• How permanent is farmland protection policy in Ontario?
• Are current policies effectively curbing sprawl and protecting agriculture?
• Can policy makers and community stakeholders work more collaboratively to improve farmland protection?

Learn from the experts, and share your concerns and recommendations to help inform the policy debate in advance of the 2015/16 Greenbelt & Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan reviews. Read more

Edible Education Lectures

Join  Raj Patel, Michael Pollan and co. this term at The Edible Schoolyard Project, as they present twelve lectures on the future of food, through conversations with leaders of the food movement around the world. Read more

How Food Hubs Are Helping New Farmers Break Into Local Food

From NPR…

Lots of consumers are smitten with local food, but they’re not the only ones. The growing market is also providing an opportunity for less experienced farmers to expand their business and polish their craft.

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and finally, from NYT

The average age of farmers keeps rising, and organic farmers are no exception. What happens to knowledge, and to a movement, when elders retire? How about mentorship..?
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