Category Archives: Nourishing Communities

Fortnightly Feast – vol. 14


Conference provides forum for innovative cross-sectoral approaches to food system issues facing Ontario

Sustain Ontario and its presenting partners are proud to announce the launch of registration for the 2013 Bring Food Home Conference. Taking place in Windsor, Ontario on November 17-18-19, Bring Food Home is Ontario’s sustainable food system conference. With dozens of workshops and presentations by producers, educators, chefs, poverty advocates, First Nations’ leaders, and more, the three-day conference offers a forum to share experiences and expertise in assisting and directing the development of a better food system for the province.  Read more

Planning for Food-Friendly Municipalities

The Waterloo Region Food System Roundtable is calling on Foodies in Waterloo Region to join in the work of advocating for more food-friendly municipalities in Waterloo Region. The first organizing meeting will be held Wednesday, October 2nd. It will focus on a new report by Krista Long which outlines ways to create more supportive environments for community gardens and temporary farmers’ markets in Waterloo Region.  Read More



Group exploring food hub for Grey County

Grey County farmers may soon have a hub where they can drop off their product to be distributed to markets across Southern Ontario. The Grey County Chefs’ Forum is currently working on creating a food hub in southern Grey County that would link the wares of local farmers with buyers in both the Grey-Bruce region as well as those in the GTA and beyond. Sun Times, Owen Sound.
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The 2013 National Food Hub Survey, conducted by MSU’s Center for Regional Food Systems and the Wallace Center at Winrock International, show that hubs throughout the United States continue to develop as financially viable businesses providing locally produced food to restaurants, schools, grocery stores and other wholesale customers. Food hubs may also provide much needed size-appropriate infrastructure and marketing opportunities for local food produced by small and midsized farms and ranches.
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Further Releases from the Holland Marsh

“The autumn wind is a pirate. Blustering in from sea with rollicking song, he sweeps along swaggering boisterously. His face is weather beaten, he wears a hooded sash with a silver hat about his head . . . the autumn wind is a raider, pillaging just for fun.”
A reminder, if you will, that all good things come to an end – as will this video series, which has only one more week after this. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this educational series about life in Ontario’s crown jewel – the Holland Marsh.

Video clips – for this week:
Confronting Climate Change       +        Bonus Clip

Projet de loi pour les aliments locaux / Bill to Promote Local Food

On June 17, I introduced Bill C-539 in an effort to promote local foods.  The goal is to come up with a Canada-wide-buy-local strategy and to develop a local procurement policy for all federal institutions. This will help support Canadian farmers, create jobs and reduce transportation-related pollution. Read more

Positions in Food Systems Studies

Postdoctoral scholar: Agriburban food systems

We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar to assist with a funded SSHRC study to examine food production systems on the rural/urban fringe in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, with a potential for additional fieldwork in Portland, Oregon. The ideal candidate will have expertise in local food systems and experience analyzing small lot farming operations and land use change on the rural/urban fringe. There is significant scope to pursue one’s own interests within the larger context of the project.

This two year position, beginning in January of 2014, will be jointly supervised by Dr. Lenore Newman, Canada Research Chair in Food Security and Environment at the University of the Fraser Valley, and Dr. Hannah Wittman in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. The position will require residence in Vancouver or the Fraser Valley, and a valid driver’s license. GIS skills are also a desired asset. Salary is 40,000 per year plus benefits, with generous research expenses and conference presentation funding available. Please send an expression of interest, a CV, and contact information for two academic references to and by October 15, 2013.


Lakehead University
Tier II Canada Research Chair in Food Systems Studies

Lakehead University invites applications for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Food Systems Studies at a rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. We seek an innovative, outstanding emerging researcher that has demonstrated interdisciplinary research strengths, grantsmanship and publications in food systems study.  The Chair will work closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences and will take a lead role at the Food Security Research Network (FSRN) ( ) which has an established track record in community-based research. Read more

Ithaca College
Environmental Studies & Sciences
Ithaca College invites applications for a renewable three-year non-tenure eligible Assistant Professor position in Environmental Studies in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences to begin Fall 2014. We are looking for an interdisciplinary teacher and scholar whose work addresses environmental issues from a social science perspective. We seek someone who specializes in one of the following: the culture of sustainable agriculture and food systems, environmental justice, community organizing, or sustainable planning/design. The successful candidate will play a key role in enhancing the social sciences curriculum within the department. She or he should have strong interests and/or experience in integrative and experiential education. The candidate will be expected to teach in the college’s new integrative core curriculum, as well as introductory and upper-level required or elective courses in environmental studies/science. Read more

The Case for Food Hubs

From Food in the Hills:

The food hub concept, which is gaining traction throughout North America, holds the solution to a problem that continues to bedevil the local food movement, and that is lack of infrastructure. How can local growers, farmers and artisans aggregate, process, market and share their goods? How can they get what they grow and produce from their fields and home kitchens to the consumer’s dining table and local institutions? Food hubs are the missing link in the local food chain. Read more

Fortnightly Feast – vol 13

Job Post:
ALUS is hiring a Business Development & Research Coordinator to support the development of a national ALUS business model.  This position is ideal for an individual with a background in business and an interest in sustainable agriculture, ecosystem services and valuation, and the role of business in environmental sustainability. For more information, contact Lynn Bishop, Ontario ALUS – General Manager:

Food and Healthcare: Does Local Fit?
Co-hosted by the College of Management at the University of Guelph, My Sustainable Canada, and the Agri-Food and Rural Link, this symposium will be held in the OMAF Conference Centre in Guelph, Ontario on Friday, September 13th, 2013 from 9:00 am -1:00 pm.

Research Highlights:
Exploring the Feasibility and Benefits of Incorporating Local Foods into Ontario’s Health Care System
The project’s objectives were to establish the current state of food provision in Ontario’s health care system and to gain an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and constraints impacting food provision decisions in Ontario’s health care system. Read more

Organization: Community Wealth
Authors Erin Hagan and Victor Rubin argue that new grocery stores, corner stores, farmer’s markets, and other food retailers generate significant economic activity in all communities, and specifically in low-income communities. Read more

Sugar beet industry converts to 100% GMO, disallows non-GMO option
The US sugar beet industry coordinated an industry-wide conversion to genetically modified sugar beets, thus eliminating a non-GMO alternative for food manufacturers and consumers. Read more

More Releases from the Holland Marsh:

Moving Farming Forward
Bonus Video:

Adapting for the Future

Holland Marsh Soupfest

The Land Our Precious Resource


Cultivating Opportunities: Canada’s Growing Appetite for Local Food
The Conference Board of Canada offers a report that “examines the economic impact of local food systems in Canada and the challenges and opportunities local food poses for consumers, governments, and industry”. Read more

Laurier local food researcher named national award finalist

WATERLOO – Laurier professor Alison Blay-Palmer has been named finalist for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s (SSHRC) 2013 Impact Partnership Award, demonstrating Waterloo Region’s commitment to highlighting the importance of local foods and local farming. The winner will be announced October 15 at the World Social Science Forum in Montreal.

For more than a decade, Blay-Palmer has been involved in research related to sustainable food systems. Blay-Palmer’s SSHRC-funded research partnership, “Building and Reinforcing Resilient Food Networks in Canada and Beyond” involves Carleton University, University of Guelph, Lakehead University, Ryerson University, local food networks in Ontario, across Canada, and extends into the international community. The partnership has produced a widely respected report, “Ontario Communities of Food: Models and Best Practices” and a community food toolkit. The tool kit is being used by communities around the world and has been a catalyst for extending Blay-Palmer’s partnerships globally.

“The continued growth of Dr. Blay-Palmer’s partnerships, both locally and internationally, is a testament to how deeply this work addresses the critical food security issues facing Canadians,” said Abby Goodrum, Laurier’s vice-president: research. “’Building and Reinforcing Resilient Regional Food Networks in Canada and Beyond’ is a superb example of what can be accomplished through academic and community partnerships. The partnership has broadened the conversation around food security, engaged Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, and reached out to include provincial and international partnerships.”

Blay-Palmer’s research is based on community-linked research meetings, participatory research projects, workshops, reports, peer-reviewed journal papers and conference presentations. Her sustainable food partnership has been credited with having a significant impact on Canada’s food security. Blay-Palmer’s dedication to local food was recognized in the Ontario Legislature during the second reading debate of the proposed Local Food Act, introduced by Premier Wynne, who also serves as the Minister of Agriculture.

Blay-Palmer is director of the recently established Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems. “We are very excited about the work of the research centre,” said Blay-Palmer. “Local and sustainable community food initiatives reflect a growing public awareness that food can act as a vehicle for positive change. The SSHRC award nomination recognizes our continuing work to be at the forefront of research on these initiatives.”

The Partnership Award acknowledges a SSHRC‑funded formal partnership for its outstanding achievement in advancing research, research training or outreach. It is awarded to a partnership that, through mutual co‑operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, has demonstrated impact and influence within and beyond the research community.


Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems:

Nourishing Communities: Sustainable Local Food Systems Research Group:

Community Food Toolkit:

“Models and Best Practices for Building Sustainable Food Systems in Ontario and Beyond”:

“Impact Awards:  SSHRC reveals shortlist:”

Lakehead University Tier II Canada Research Chair in Food Systems Studies

Lakehead University invites applications for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Food Systems Studies at a rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. We seek an innovative, outstanding emerging researcher that has demonstrated interdisciplinary research strengths, grantsmanship and publications in food systems study.  The Chair will work closely with colleagues in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences and will take a lead role at the Food Security Research Network (FSRN) ( ) which has an established track record in community-based research.  There are many opportunities for the Chair to embrace a diversity of interdisciplinary topics critical to the study of building resilient and sustainable food systems.  Ongoing research at FSRN embraces the application of a complex adaptive systems perspective to food systems.  Given the scope and potential impacts of local food systems, it is particularly critical to understand their dynamics as they emerge through innovation and evolve in response to their surroundings within a context geared primarily toward the dominant agri-industrial system.

See the full posting for application details. Persons that are interested may contact Dr. Mirella Stroink or Dr. Connie Nelson for further information on this Chair position.  Selection decisions will be made by Lakehead’s CRC Committee.

Fortnightly Feast – vol. 12

Focus on Urban Agriculture

Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture for Resilient City-Regional Food Systems
Marielle Dubbeling’s post on the Landscape blog, about the role that urban and peri-urban agriculture can play in enhancing the sustainability and resilience of urban food systems. Read more

The Sustainable Food Cities Network
From its evolution as an event organised by the Soil Association and Cardiff University and hosted by Bristol City Council in 2011, the Sustainable Food Cities Network has become an alliance of public, private and third sector organisations that believe in the power of food as a vehicle for driving positive change. Read more

New Agriculturalist Focus on… Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture is being increasingly recognised as an important strategy to respond to a number of key challenges – including poverty, food security and nutrition, unemployment and the management of wastes and wastewater. Read more

Food Hub Movement Gaining Momentum Across Michigan
While the creation of a food hub in your community may seem like a no-brainer, they require careful planning and an investment from all of the stakeholders in the local food system. Read more

And in the category of coolest name ever, in Cowpens, SC: Thicketty Mountain Farms!

Fortnightly Feast – vol. 11

For the faithful reader of this post, and those interested in the creation of sustainable regional food systems, here are two wonderful sources of news, information and events:

Locavore News

The Locavore News Editor, Elbert van Donkersgoed, puts together concise but informative summaries with links to only the most interesting and relevant stories about local food on the internet. These stories are carefully separated into three separate weekly posts, with  Ontario-based, Canadian and international versions. Information about Locavore News is available on the Terra Coeur website. This includes an archive of past issues of Locavore News.  To add your address to the Locavore News distribution list, send an email to:

Sustain Ontario

Along with a huge amount of information on their policiespolicy papers, consultations and campaigns, Sustain Ontario also has three streams of food news: from SO, from their member organizations, and from around the world. You can also subscribe to have Good Food Bites sent to you every Wednesday, or to receive monthly updates about the work of the Alliance and opportunities to support food and farming in Ontario.


6 US Regional FOOD HUB models

Seems to be all food hubs, all the time – particularly south of the border, where state and local planning and economic development efforts appear to be following the lead of the USDA in advocating the value of these regional food hubs:

NC   Are Food Hubs the Key to Expanding Regional Food Systems?

WI   Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative and institutional procurement

New fall project for Nourishing Communities researchers – Shared Opportunities on Institutional Land

Two Ontario ministries (Agriculture and Food, and Rural Affairs) recently announced the results of their New Directions funding competition. We are pleased to tell you that a proposal led by Nourishing Communities researchers Phil Mount and Irena Knezevic was successful. The proposal, titled Feasibility Study of On-Site Institutional Food Production: Leveraging public land to grow shared opportunities, was developed in partnership with My Sustainable Canada, Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, and Nourishing Communities researchers Alison Blay-Palmer and Karen Landman.

SOIL (Shared Opportunities on Institutional Land) is a three-year project, expected to start in September of this year, which will assess the feasibility of growing food on institutional lands through collaborative arrangements with local food producers. SOIL builds on several Ontario research projects investigating the intersection of institutional procurement and sustainable local food. Case studies will be conducted with current food production initiatives on public lands, while administrators of public institutions across the province will participate in surveys and interviews. Pilot food production projects will also be launched at a hospital, a long-term care facility, and a high school. Watch this space for more details, and an update when the SOIL project is officially launched.